Buyers and Sellers
We believe the most important services we provide for our seller clients are ACCURATE VALUATIONS & EXPERT CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS
* Physical inspection of your property and review of online property database records
* Boots on ground property inspection resulting in a detailed Broker Property Report with Sketch, Size Calcs, Comps with adjus
We believe the most important services we provide for our seller clients are ACCURATE VALUATIONS & EXPERT CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS
* Physical inspection of your property and review of online property database records
* Boots on ground property inspection resulting in a detailed Broker Property Report with Sketch, Size Calcs, Comps with adjustments, Maps, & Photos
We provide the highest level of services for buying or selling real properties. At Rawle Realty, we have over 35 years of professional real estate sales, valuation, and development experience. We have helped thousands of clients make the most of real estate assets and transactions. We'd love to help you!
We provide the highest level of services for buying or selling real properties. At Rawle Realty, we have over 35 years of professional real estate sales, valuation, and development experience. We have helped thousands of clients make the most of real estate assets and transactions. We'd love to help you!
The most successful real estate transactions depend on wise use of accurate information, smart pricing, and broad digital market exposure. Our core principles and strong mission guide our efforts for your best interests. Find out what makes our proven approach to your property sale or purchase transaction successful. Call us today.
mobile 435-688-2815, 801-489-0100
We provide a boots-on-the-ground inspection and individual in-depth analysis of your property prior to crucial pricing decision. Lenders don't "wing it" with incomplete or inaccurate data before risking their assets. Why should you with yours?
Anyone interested in property values had to be astonished with the unprecedented boom in the 2020-2021 housing market. Values ebbed in the early months of the Pandemic. Then, from a complex of factors (anxiety over unknowns, shortages of food and supplies, real concern over a secure place to hunker down and work), demand for housing took off like never before. High demand and record low interest rates fueled a frenzy of buying. What market changes come next with increasing loan rates?
larry@rawlerealty.com 435-668-2815, mobile 801-489-0100, office
Rawle Realty
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